The dental insurance company digitized the tracking and maintenance of customer records for seamless patients claim processing. Two types of patient data are handled – one that belongs to Delta Dental network and the other that doesn’t belong to its network. While working with Delta Dental, our team of experts migrated 122 reports from Business Objects 6.5 to Business Objects Xi2 and two Universes by using Import Wizard. We developed 200 complex canned and 150 ad hoc reports by using Dski, Webi, and Voyager reporting components. The challenging task of developing many Voyager reports from Microsoft SQL Server 2005 OLAP Cubs was successfully accomplished by our team.
To make things simpler, we developed 50 drive tables to resolve complex business rules and created joins, contexts, and aliases to resolve loops. Integrity of the Universes was maintained on a regular basis. We used @Functions such as @Prompt – to restrict return values and to enter prompt, @Select – to reuse the select statement of another object, and @Variable – to restrict the currently logged user.
By deploying user-friendly technology, we led the transformational journey of Delta Dental, and made all the processes for data tracking smooth.